6 september 2023


Contact details

The website (https://dev2.gdwtowbars.com) (hereinafter “the Website”) is owned by (GDW NV) (hereinafter “GDW NV”)

Name: GDW NV
Address: Hoogmolenwegel 23, 8790 Waregem
Phone number:
Fax number:
Email address: gdw@gdwowbars.com
Company number: BE 0405.400.711
Register of legal entities: West Flanders

1. General

By accessing and using the Website, the User expressly and without reservation accepts the terms of use and undertakes to comply with these terms of use. A “User” (hereinafter also referred to as “You” or “You”) for the purposes of these Terms of Use is anyone who visits and uses our Website to retrieve information, whether or not they register.

The User is also expected to take note of our Privacy Statement and all other rights and obligations that are clearly stated on the Website.

GDW NV reserves the right to change the provisions of these terms of use, whereby the User is requested to read the terms and conditions prior to any new use.

2. Registration

Registration may be necessary. The User who wishes to gain access to certain functionalities and specific information on our Website must then register. To register, the User must be at least 18 years old. GDW NV is completely free to determine the registration conditions at its own discretion and to adjust them at any time.

Registration by a minor (-18 years) is only permitted after prior express permission from the parent(s) or legal guardian.

When registering, the User must create a personal profile (hereinafter: “User Profile”) based on correct, truthful, current and complete data. Depending on the capacity of the User, it may be absolutely necessary to provide certain information.

This obligation applies both when creating the User Profile and for the future. It is the sole responsibility of the User to correct or delete outdated data.

Each User Profile is strictly individual, personal and confidential. The User is not permitted to transfer his User Profile to third parties without the express permission of GDW NV. The User is exclusively responsible for all actions performed with the User Profile and must also ensure the confidentiality of the User Profile, including the login details.

The User must report any breach of the confidential nature of his User Profile to GDW NV. In such a case, GDW NV will take the necessary steps to restore confidentiality.

3. Limitations on the right of use

The right of use is limited in the sense that the User must refrain from actions that have or may have a harmful impact on the proper functioning and safety of the Website and its other Users and/or on their use. Use of the Website may not conflict with these Terms of Use, applicable law, the rights of third parties and generally accepted rules of internet conduct.

The following actions are strictly prohibited:

– Use software programs aimed at collecting and obtaining data, including spiders, crawlers, robots and similar software. This list is by no means exhaustive.

– Use the Website and its data for spamming, chain letters, junk mail and/or similar variants.

– Stalk other Users and/or try to convince other Users of political and/or religious beliefs.

– Gain unauthorized access to the User Profiles of other Users.

– Using a foreign identity and/or foreign data when registering.

The above list is by no means exhaustive.

4. Measures

GDW NV reserves the right to take all reasonable and appropriate measures if the User acts in conflict with these terms of use and/or with the applicable legal rules, the rights of third parties or the generally accepted rules of internet conduct. GDW NV retains a wide margin of choice regarding taking a sanctioning and remedial measure and the scope of that measure. However, measures will always be proportionate to the infringement.

GDW NV has the option, among other things, to implement a temporary and/or permanent suspension of the right of use as well as the deletion of a User Profile. In addition, GDW NV may restrict the User’s general access to and access to functionalities on the Website in whole or in part and temporarily or permanently.

When circumstances require, these measures may be taken without any prior warning or notice. Under no circumstances can the User claim a refund or compensation for the measures taken.

If the User believes that the measure taken is inappropriate or unfounded, he must report this to GDW NV within fifteen (15) calendar days after the measure was imposed. GDW NV will consider the arguments without being obliged to reverse the initial measures.

5. Limitation of Liability

All information on the Website is of a general nature. The information is not tailored to circumstances specific to any person or entity. The User should not consider this information as personal, professional or legal advice or its equivalent. Any use the User makes of the information on the Website is entirely at his own risk.

GDW NV pays a lot of attention and care to its Website and strives to ensure that all information is as complete, correct, understandable, accurate and up to date as possible. Despite all efforts, GDW NV cannot guarantee that the information made available is complete, correct, accurate or up to date. If the User notices any inaccuracies, he or she can contact the web administrator.

GDW NV cannot be held liable for incorrect or erroneous data on the Website or in mailings, even if this results from a serious error or repeated errors caused by the Website, by viruses, computer crimes, hacking and this even if GDW NV has been warned. for this damage. GDW NV cannot be held liable in the event of failure or possible malfunctions of the contact system. In particular, GDW NV is not liable for any transmission of viruses via its Website.

GDW NV cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damage arising from the use of the information on this Website.

GDW NV may adjust, change or supplement the content of the site (including links) at any time without notice or notice. GDW NV does not guarantee the proper functioning of the Website and cannot be held liable in any way for poor functioning or temporary (un)availability of the Website or for any form of damage, direct or indirect, that may result from the access or use of the Website.

GDW NV can under no circumstances be held liable to anyone, directly or indirectly, in a special or other manner, for damage resulting from the use of this site or another, in particular as a result of links or hyperlinks, including, without limitation of all losses, work interruptions, damage to programs or other data on the computer system, equipment, software or other of the User.

The Website may contain hyperlinks to websites or pages of third parties or its partners, or refer indirectly to them. Placing links to these websites or pages does not in any way imply an implicit approval of their content.

GDW NV expressly declares that it has no control over the content or other features of these websites and can under no circumstances be held liable for the content or features thereof or for any other form of damage resulting from their use.

6. Intellectual Property Rights

Creativity deserves protection, as does our Website and its content. The protection is provided by intellectual property rights and belongs to all entitled parties, being GDW NV and third parties. Content refers to the very broad category of photos, video, audio, text, ideas, notes, drawings, articles, etc. All this content is protected by copyright, software right, database right, drawing and model right and other applicable (intellectual) property rights. The technical nature of our Website itself is protected by copyright, software law and database law. GDW NV (TM), its tag lines, logo(s), color combination and any trade name that we use on our Platform are also protected by applicable intellectual property law. We therefore ask our Users not to use and/or make changes to the intellectual property rights as described in this article without the permission of the rights holder.

The User undertakes not to infringe the intellectual property rights of GDW NV or any other party in any way. If the User commits a violation of the intellectual property rights of third parties, this cannot under any circumstances be attributed to GDW NV. Any actual or legal consequences are therefore entirely at the expense of the User.

7. Protection of personal data

GDW NV attaches great importance to the protection of your privacy. Although most of the information on this Website is available without the need to provide personal information, the User may be asked to provide personal information. This information will only be used in the context of our customer management and information provision. By providing his or her personal data to GDW NV, the User expressly gives GDW NV permission to process them for the purposes stated below.

GDW NV collects personal data about Users based on the data they have provided to it on the Website or by completing a contact form or via an e-mail message. GDW NV undertakes not to distribute this information to third parties, unless the law obliges GDW NV to do so or if the judicial authorities or police services request this. These personal data are confidential. They will only be used by the internal services of GDW NV with a view to strengthening or personalizing communication, in particular via letters and/or informative e-mails and to keep you informed of our services and the requested information. to deliver information. GDW NV also uses your data for its own marketing purposes.

The User has a legal right to inspect and possibly correct his personal data. Provided proof of identity (copy of identity card), the User can obtain written notification of his personal data free of charge by sending a written, dated and signed request to GDW NV, ADDRESS, E-mail. If necessary, the User can also request the correction of data that is incorrect, incomplete or not relevant.

GDW NV may collect anonymous or aggregated data of a non-personal nature, such as browser type or IP address, the operating system you use or the domain name of the website through which the user came to the Website or through which the User leaves it. This makes it possible for GDW NV to permanently optimize the Website for the Users.

For further information about the processing of your personal data, we would like to refer you to our Privacy Statement.

8. The use of cookies

During a visit to the Website, cookies can be placed on the hard drive of the computer solely to better tailor the Website to the needs of the returning User. These mini files or cookies are not used to track the User’s surfing behavior on other websites. The internet browser allows the User to prevent the use of cookies, to receive a warning when a cookie is installed or to delete the cookies from his or her hard drive afterwards. The User can consult the help function of the internet browser for this.

This Website uses, among other things, Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies” to help the Website analyze how Users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about the use of the Website (including your IP address) is transferred to and stored by Google on servers in the United States of America. Google uses this information to keep track of how the User uses the website, to compile reports on website activity for website operators and to offer other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally obliged to do so, or insofar as these third parties process the information on behalf of Google. Google will not combine the user’s IP address with other data held by Google. The User can refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in his or her browser. However, GDW NV points out to the User that in that case he or she may not be able to use all the features of this Website. By using this Website, the User consents to the processing of the information by Google in the manner and for the purposes described above.

More information about our cookies can be found in our Cookie Policy on our website.

9. Miscellaneous provisions

GDW NV reserves the freedom to change, expand, limit or discontinue the Website at any time. The use of this right does not require prior notice to the User nor does it give rise to damages.

If the operation or validity of one or more of the above provisions of these terms of use is compromised, this will not affect the validity of the other provisions of this agreement. In such a case, we have the right to change the provision in question into a valid provision of similar effect.

The titles we use in our terms of use are always purely illustrative. So you cannot derive any legal value from it.

10. Applicable law and competent courts

These terms of use are exclusively governed and interpreted in accordance with Belgian Law.

In the event of any dispute regarding the implementation of this agreement, the parties are expected to make every effort to find an amicable solution. In the absence of an amicable solution, the dispute may be submitted to an arbitration and mediation center (such as CEPANI) or a competent court. Disputes fall under the jurisdiction of the courts of the judicial district (West Flanders).